・Gita Panjabi Trelease,‘Time’s Hand: Fingerprints, Empire and Victorian Narratives of Crime’を収録。

Victorian Crime, Madness and Sensation (The Nineteenth Century Series)

Victorian Crime, Madness and Sensation (The Nineteenth Century Series)


Jens Jäger, « Photography : a means of surveillance ? Judicial photography, 1850 to 1900 », Crime, Histoire & Sociétés / Crime, History & Societies [En ligne], Vol. 5, n°1 | 2001, mis en ligne le 06 avril 2009, Consulté le 23 juillet 2009. URL : http://chs.revues.org/index1056.html

・Sandra S. Phillips, "Identifying the Criminal" を収録。

Police Pictures: The Photograph As Evidence

Police Pictures: The Photograph As Evidence

・指紋の歴史本(Suspect identities)の著者による最近の論文。
Simon A. Cole, "Twins, Twain, Galton, and Gilman: Fingerprinting, Individualization, Brotherhood, and Race in Pudd’nhead Wilson," Configurations - Volume 15, Number 3, Fall 2007, pp. 227-265

・ゴルトンの合成肖像などについて触れた論文"A Model Jew"(Representations, no. 85)などを再録した本。